“Whistleblowers Speak Out: Inside the Culture of Risk and Retaliation at OpenAI and Other AI Giants”
Recently, a group of current and former employees at OpenAI, including other AI giants, have raised concerns about the culture within these companies. In an open letter, they have highlighted the risks associated with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the lack of proper oversight in the process. The employees have called for whistleblower […]
Google DeepMind’s AlphaFold Artificial Intelligence Advances to Model DNA Structure, Impacts Drug Development

In the world of artificial intelligence, Google DeepMind has once again made waves with its groundbreaking technology. Demis Hassabis, Google’s AI chief, recently announced that their AlphaFold software, which has revolutionized the study of proteins, has now received a significant upgrade. This upgrade will allow the software to not only model protein structures but also […]